ERA as your contract partner
1. The Academy of European Law (Europäische Rechtsakademie Trier,
hereafter „ERA“ or „the Academy“) is a public foundation established
under German private law.
2. „ERA“, „Academy of European Law“, the respective translations and the
ERA logo are trademarks registered under German law at the German
Patent Office and Trade Mark Office and under European Community law at
the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market.
3. Registered seat:
Metzer Allee 4
D-54295 Trier
Tel: +49 (0)651 937 37 0
Fax: +49 (0)651 937 37 773
4. Legal representatives:
- Dr Wolfgang Heusel, Director
- John Coughlan, Luc Doeve and Jean-Philippe Rageade, Deputy Directors
5. To send an e-mail directly to individual members of staff, please use the individual contact form.
6. All images, text and other content published by the Academy are
protected by copyright. Requests for reproduction, even partial, should
be addressed in writing to the Academy’s Public Relations Officer at the
address above.